This morning I made the One Point Muffins I found when I did a search for them. I have no idea if these are the same as that woman had found or not but figured it was worth a try.
This is where I found them:
One Point Muffins
I was not so sure about it being an applesauce based recipe. I've made enough low-fat baked goods in my day to know that subbing your fat ingredients (oil/butter/shortening) for applesauce does not usually produce a pleasant result. However, I do love things that are applesauce based that are NOT applesauce cake....yum! I decided to give it a go anyway.
The changes I made to the recipe are as follows:
~I did not use raisins. Not only did they add half a point to the muffins, I have never liked raisins at all. They're a cruel joke...they look so similar to chocolate chips at a glance when baked into something and when you bite into and find it is not a chip but a chewy raisin...yeah, you know what I mean, right?!?
~I did not use 5 packets of Splenda because I did not have 5 packets of Splenda on hand. I did however have a big bag of Splenda on hand. I kinda followed the suggestions in the comments and I decided to use 2 tsps per packet. As I doled out the first 6 tsps of my 10 tsps to my mixture, I decided to make the last 4 tsps regular white sugar. I've also had bad experiences with Splenda baking and felt that adding just a wee bit of granulated sugar might somehow counter anything bad the Splenda might do to the taste or texture.
~I had some frozen blueberries on hand so I put in a 1/4 cup of those and then added just a few more, probably no more than another tbsp or so.
~Once I had these in the muffin tin, I put a little sprinkle of turbinado sugar on each muffin. It was not much at all...I was using a 1/2 tsp measure to sprinkle it and was getting about 3 muffins covered per 1/2 tsp. So, at best there was 1 whole tbsp on the entire pan.
The verdict?
They are so-so. When I think of muffins I think of that super moist, bakery sized muffin with streusel topping that all just kinda melts in your mouth. Well, these are about as far away from that as possible but they aren't horrible. They are what they are...a pretty much fat free 1 point muffin. The blueberries were a good decision for them...went well with the spices that were called for. I would probably prefer them a bit sweeter as long as it did not increase the point value at all....they were sweet enough I suppose, it all just goes back to the *ideal* muffin and not the tweaked out version that I can eat on a more frequent basis.
Would I make them again? I said, they aren't horrible but I honestly cannot see myself getting a craving for these and breaking out the muffin tins to throw these together. They will serve their purpose as I get through the dozen of them and then, maybe someday, I will make them again when I have a need to have something like this around.
If you are brave enough to give them a try after my mediocre reveiw of them, please post your thoughts on them and let me know if you did anything different to the ingredients or prep!
Best Baking Wishes To You!!!
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